Hi Client first name
Our records show its nearly time for your next hair appointment, and to show our appreciation for your loyalty to our amazing team of stylists, we want to give you the opportunity to save 10% at your next appointment.
All you need to do is buy a prepaid voucher using this exclusive link, apply the code, and save 10%.
The voucher will be emailed to you. To redeem your voucher, all you need to do is show the voucher number to the staff at the salon.
If for some reason you don’t make your appointment, the voucher is valid for 12 months and can be gifted or transferred to anyone at all.
In fact, these vouchers would make a fantastic gift if you know someone in need of our services.
There is no limit on how many vouchers you buy, and there are no restrictions on what you can use them for in salon.
To access this hidden page, with this exclusive offer - please click here.
To make a great deal, even sweeter, you can use Afterpay, Laybuy or Zip to spread your payment over 6 or 8 weeks. Simply choose your preferred payment option at checkout.
If you have any questions feel free to simply reply to this email, and we will be happy to assist.
Kind regards,
The Team at Vivo Windsor
13 Windsor Street, Invercargill 9810 P: 03 217 5999 E: windsor@vivo.co.nz