BIBA 3 feature

Four questions salon owners need to ask themselves.

3 Oct 2014 by Brenda Perham

“The bad news is that time flies…..the good news is that you’re the pilot!” I love this saying because it’s very true…it all comes back to us as business owners, we create the culture we work within! Continue reading…

mentor feature

Mentoring your team for success

18 Sep 2014 by Brenda Perham

Being a small to medium sized business owner generally means there are always lots of plates to spin … just when you have one area of your business whizzing around another starts to wobble Continue reading…


How to connect with your clients using Pinterest

17 Sep 2014 by Paul Gray

In just four years Pinterest has become the second highest source of website referral traffic, one spot behind Facebook. And the average Pinterest user loves all things hair and beauty! Continue reading…

marketing feature

5 marketing tips that will make you more successful

12 Sep 2014 by Brenda Perham

It’s easy to get bewildered these days about how best to market your salon or spa. The marketing landscape has changed dramatically, even in the last 5 years! Continue reading…

Referral program

What’s your ‘dream goal’ for your business?

6 Sep 2014 by Brenda Perham

When I first start mentoring a salon owner I get them to complete a Business Needs Analysis. This delves into all the key profit and performance drivers Continue reading…


Rebooking and Retention; what does it all mean?

1 Sep 2014 by Paul Gray

This is one of the most frequently asked questions our support team hear. We love that you’re looking at these numbers as they are two of the most important numbers when checking the health of your business. Continue reading…


Business Summary Basics

22 Aug 2014 by Brenda Perham

Do you sometimes wish you had eyes in the back of your head?

As a hair/beauty salon owner a spare pair of eyes would sometimes come in handy! Continue reading…

14 feature

Smart stock management

13 Aug 2014 by Brenda Perham

Are you taking a deep breath every time you open your suppliers invoices? Scratching around to find the funds to pay your bills on time? Continue reading…

clients feature

New clients…the lifeblood of your business!

21 Jan 2014 by Brenda Perham

Once upon a time in “the good old days” we used to rock along to work, do some great hair and have fun with our clients, everything else just fell into place… Continue reading…

How delicious is your salon’s client journey?

21 Aug 2013 by Kitomba

Brenda Perham

As business owners we all know the value of “word of mouth” advertising. We love it, it’s essentially free and we have the ability to attract new clients that come from the same “tribe” as our existing clients…perfect! But what is it that makes our clients want to tell the world how fabulous we are? Continue reading…